08 March 2012


Flew to Thailand (HDY) for 3 nights and just got back today!
At the gate waiting to board. Zero makeup, that explains the RM5 glasses i got in Daiso KL and the photo treatment. Lolol. Everything discoloured looks fine.
I really am an artist. See this is front sharp back blur.
This is back sharp front blur. Not everyone can achieve this with a compact camera. UNLESS. You're like me, got lucky. Hahahaha. I also don't know how it turn out like that.
Bought this note book and pen cox i got bored waiting around cox bf and i were two hours early O.O Got them from one of the shop at Singapore airport. The pen is only $1.80, polka dot, pink, BUY.
In the air..... O.O Nothing smart to caption this picture with.
PLANE FOOD!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDD I love plane food as much as i love fast food!!!!! And yes, i ask for double serving of bread and butter. And i also took my bf's serving of bread and butter afterwards.
Mine is the one on top, Quiche with suasage and potato. Bf's cai tao kway ^.^ YUMMY ALSO!
We had 3.5 hours at transit. So we went for McDonald's cox bf say i can eat whatever i love. Although he don't particularly love McDonald's. The price is the same thou, like $7ish for one set of BB. And they serve ovaltine (i like!) instead of Milo but i still prefer Milo with Mcd!!!
Couldn't help it i feel artistic on this trip. LOL. So i took this useless picture.
Our hotel room! Nothing fanciful but at least it's cheap + near all the shopping + free wifi in room!
Our hotel building itself is a shopping plaza and opposite is a huge departmental store. You can find everything around the hotel and inside the hotel. Very accessible and convenient!
The shopping. Not the most fashion forward but if you screen hard enough there'd be nice tanks and basics! They hardly have the flimsy kind you usually find in BKK thou! It's all of okay quality, it's just the design might not be fashionable. Typically priced at 100baht ($4.50) - 350baht ($15) max.
Dinner at a delicacy shop. You can find birds nest, abalone, shark fin, scallop etc.
The 800baht ($35) pot of shark fin soup is really super worth the price. The shark fin like no need money one, super a lot, nevermind, still got like 6 slices of abalone and 3 big pieces of mushroom and lotsa crab meat etc!!! Birds nest is meh, the gingko nut beats everything else. Sweet and candied in the centre, very yums ^.^ Fried rice also good but they used too much curry powder!
Day 2! We slept at their local time 8pm the night before so we woke up at 7am O.O
Just nice 7am (6plus you can see a few setting up already)) is the time their morning market start! This is right outside our hotel!!! Nice location i said! ^.^
We explore to the streets behind and diagonally across. Mainly wet market. But if you keep following the crowd and just explore and walk along, you'd go to this area where they sell lotsa tidbits and fake branded makeup, shades and bags etc. Like a mini BKK!
After one whole day of walking we went for some other hotel's buffet dinner. Meh. $16 each, totally not worth it. But supper was good! We eat from the street side. MY SUPPER:
Mango glutinous rice!!!!!!! The nicest ever that i tried!!! 40baht only!!!! Ont he spot she cuts up a fresh mango for you some more!!! Damn sweeeeet and super a lot!!! Their coconut milk is kinda different from the one our vendors use here. Theirs is a lot more translucent, less sweet, less jelat and thick. So i can eat the whole freaking pack by myself!!!
Bf's noodle. It's like a mixture between wanton noodle and fishball noodle. But yums thou! The portion they serve there for everyone, is VERY small!!! It's like my primary school canteen portion, slightly more. No wonder everyone's skinny there!!! The biggest size i've seen (don't say aunties lah) of their girls is like just slightly chubby, that's the max.
Day 3!!! We shopped for a long time and then stop at this cafe for a break. Tiramisu, meh. Edible, not great, not too awful. But it's okay cox we didn't expect much haha.
I snapped this picture and i told bf, "WAH OMG LOOK. Art or not?! This one so sharp the behind one so blur. Look like a picture you can find in the recipe book hor?!" He shook his head, ask for my camera and then he went on to snap this picture..
obama.jpeg This is like what you can find on the cover of a recipe book. Lol.
Wednesday night market at the bus terminal! FUCKING LOTSA THINGS TO SHOP!!!!!!!!! For man, woman, girls, boys, kids, pets. Mostly priced at 80baht - 199baht. Can bargain!!! But i didn't bother to cox the very nice ones are only 100 - 150 baht. OMG THE SHOES. THE SHOES AND HEELS ETC. Moslty 100 - 130 baht!!! I almost go crazy but i manage to control 80% of the shopaholic in me!!!
The night market has like 4 - 5 sections, it's like our pasar malam but A LOT better with A LOT more varieties. Oh oh oh, it's like our bugis street level one plus level two, plus pasar malam food and dikam stalls, ALL TOGETHER!!! The bags also super cheap lah like what you can get at Bugis for $15 - $28, you can get it there for $4 - $9 max. $9 will be freaking nice one.
Bought a box of my favourite thai snack ^.^ Not sure what it's called thou. Like 20baht only O.O"
Went back to the hotel to put our stuff and then went out to hunt for supper spot. We found this zichar store run by thai-chinese, slightly further away from the hotel. It was crowded the last two nights we walked pass so cannot go wrong right or not! =D AND WE MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE!!! IT WAS THE BEST MEAL WE HAD THERE!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDD The deep fried pomfret was HUGE and it's damn crispy. The egg + veg dish is sooooooo nice =OOO I asked my bf to figure out how to remake it. Total damage for this meal + drinks is SGD14. Thailand, i love you.

That's all for the trip!!! Went back to the hotel and snap pictures of all the things i got! For myself and for my family and friends ^.^ I don't care lah, just buy buy buy!!! Nothing is more than 150baht except a bag i got for Mich!!! The rest is mainly 100baht.
Good quality denim shorts at 100baht each *faints* Top and dresses at 150baht each.
Top two pairs at 100baht each. Brown slipper at 50baht, the heels and wedges for 120baht!!!!!!!!
Pink dress and grey cardigan at 100baht each. MY TIE DYE SHORTS =DDDDDD MAJOR LOVE. It's like i'm wearing paddle pop on my ass hahaha. 30baht! Fake AnF tee, flora skorts, denim shorts at 100baht each. WO DE TIAN AH!!! I miss that place already.
The bag i got for Mich!!! The quality sibeh super good. She saw something similar at Bugis the other time for $28 i think. I got this for $13 only!!! All the accessories at 20baht each.
Flora pouch with waterproof lining inside at 60baht. He wanted to sell them to me at 90baht but i bargain until 60 cox i buy more than one. NOT BAD RIGHT!!! =DDD
Random tanks at 100baht each, i got them when i first arrive. Too excited. Didn't think i could get much nicer ones at the same price. Vintage tops and dress at 100baht each.
Bought polo for my dad. SUPER HARD TO FIND THIS!!! Cox last time i bought polo tee from BKK for him and he loved it cox it's very thin and he likes it cox cooling. But here the quality all super good and thicker, so i had a really hard time trying to find something of not so good quality =.=" 150 baht each! Cotton dresses at 100baht each! ^.^
Outfit for baby Yurou! Not very nice but decent lah, can let her wear at home haha. 80baht ($3.50) each set! The shoes are 50baht each pair!!! CUTE NOT!?!?!?! CUTE RIGHT???? Awwwwww. I hope she likes them!!! The shades are 40baht each. Lol. She loves to wear shades so much now that if you remove it she'd make noise until you put it back O.O Vainpot in the making.
Round shades i saw Sophie looking out for it when we were in KL. So i bought like 3 of it at 80baht each! Haha. See if she still likes them. Cath Kidston inspired pouches for 20baht lol. Not even a dollar. The rest all at 20baht each too.
Bought 5 maybelline foundation only cox it was on discount, 179baht. I run out of two-way foundation so might as well. I'm sure NiaoNiao will love it too!!! LipIce sparkly lipbalm for 79 baht i think.
Shorts and skorts i got! Mainly 150baht. Fringe bags in 4 different colours at 100baht each O.O That's why i bought 4 of the same thing. Lolol. What, i'm a Singaporean shopaholic.
Flight back. Again, i love plane food. And again, i can haz three bread + salted butter serving O.O

I am happy =) Very happy.  Not sure if there's a word that i can use to describe "happy" the way it really is. A word that's not too complicated.

Nah, i think Happy is fine =D


Anonymous said...

omgosh, qiu qiu, wherever you go, you still can shop gao gao! GENG (Y)(Y)!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW spam shopping only!!! =D Hope you enjoyed! :p

Anonymous said...

why did you go there?

Anonymous said...

omggggggggggg love th vintage top & fringe bags. MAJOR LOVE. WO YAO QU BANGKOK.

Anonymous said...

hi qiuqiu!
seems like you had an awesome time there. im going there in june. mind sharing which night market did you go to? (: thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow I would love to go to thailand :) and i love the fringe bag and its so so cheap! love!

Unknown said...

Omg! I love the lipice lipbalm!! I used alot of sticks of it alrdy! Bought in singapore where watsons used to sell at sgd6+ and now it cost sgd$7 :(

can't believe thailand sells them half the price!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Omg how come you never put make up also so pretty!! Can you share on your blog post where's your hotel and how much it costed? Thanks!

QiuQiu said...

Sophiashufei, hahaha, go thailand = MUST SHOP!!!

Anon, thank you!!! I did have a good time!!!

Anon, go go go!!!

Anon, the Weds night market only got one!!! Tell your hotel lobby to tell tuktuk driver! From Lee Plaza to the bus terminal (where the night market is) only cost us 100baht on the tuktuk.

Charisse, THEIR WATSONS IS MAD CHEAP one!!!!! I also can't believe! I bought a Mentholatum foaming facial wash super big bottle one, 79baht only. But i couldnt bring it back cox custom don't allow =(

QiuQiu said...

Anon, i stayed at Lee Gardens plaza hotel! One night from 1360baht for twin for two pax!

But i book the junior suite (got living room) that cost slightly more. Like SGD5 or 8 more only.

Weiling said...

Hi, can i ask which bus terminal isit? & how do i get there? As i will be heading to BKK at the end of the month. Thanks so much..

QiuQiu said...

Hello guys! It's not in Bangkok! It's in Hatyai! But it's pronounced as Hart-Jai.

Anonymous said...

you didnt put in your luggage to check in? i think if u did check in luggage can bring liquid items back leh :x

Anonymous said...

does not feel like you went there to shop although you bought a lot of things :) did you go there for ps? no picture of your face... that's why? sorry don't mean to be rude. just asking.

Jack said...

The snack you like with the white cream is simply called crepes.

Hope you make it to Bangkok next time!


nicccchang said...

WOWO! you bought so many things! awww.

QiuQiu said...

Anon, no i no have check in cox i don't like to wait! Unless it's a HUGE shopping haul! =D

Jack it's awesome! We have the ready made, packed in boxes here in Sg but it's just yummier in Thailand!!! =DDD Yes if i ever head BKK will visit you and the 3Ts if you're free!!!

Anonymous said...

omggggg LIKE!!!! =D so naisssssss

Anonymous said...

Hey QiuQiu
If you read my previous comment on your previous post, please do blog about KONY 2012. A small action of yours can help! Please do not be 'ashamed' of blogging about things that does not give you money. It is a form of kindness. Remember the sentence 'kindness is a act that the blind can see and the deaf can hear'
Thank you and god bless you. :)

Anonymous said...

kinda sad when i saw the sharksfin, oh well.

MingYuan said...

hey qiuqiu! just wondering which hotel did you stay at? cause i'm planning to go bangkok too! :)

MingYuan said...

hey qiuqiu! just wondering which hotel did you stay at? cause i'm planning to go bangkok too :)

Anonymous said...

hi, do you remember the name of the place (wednesday night market at bus termianl)?

かほう said...

Oh my gosh! Everything MAJOR CHEAP!!

I so wish I could go to Thailand now! haha

Anonymous said...

Great post ^^. I don't think you should buy sharkfin soup though, most shark fins are obtained very cruelly :/.

mimily said...

Ohh.. you just visited my town! O.o
Why I didn't know? hahahaha~

Jessica Ho said...

WOW! You really bought a lot of items! They're so gorgeous and cheap! This is tempting me to go Thailand!

Anonymous said...

avoiding comment asking why there's no picture of your face.......

piiyup said...

This is a really interesting post. really enjoyed reading.

Anonymous said...

omg. i love hatyai. but i pathetically always take bus there. 18 hours! HAHAH. then can shop a lot a lot but no need scared luggage overweight. HAHAHA. next time u go to the morning pasar right, outside got this street stall... the curry crab is awesome! i ordered 4 crabs, one each + fish +cockles+veges+beer.the whole meal only cost less than $50 for the 4 of us. AWESOME.

Jayme said...

I drool at the mangoes, and the clothes.

*books air-ticket* jk, super budget nao sighz.

Your bf followed you as you shopped? Need to train mine to be like that already, lol.

Jean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eijgniy said...

Hello :)
Mind sharing the names of all the night markets you went to?
Thanks babe!

Anonymous said...

Hi qiuting,
may i how what camera mode you used for your photos to look vintage? it looks super gorgeous!

nadnut said...

so cheap?!??!!

i wanna go hatyai now!

Anonymous said...

*insert Y U NO* meme: QQ Y U NO NOT EAT SHARKS' FIN? =[[[ It's bad for the environment (topple food web in the sea), cruel and toxic (due to their position in the food chain while we pollute the ocean). I've loved visiting your blog so far, so I'm sad to see you eat sharks' fin. =[

I hope you understand where I'm coming from. I still like the rest of your blog though.

QiuQiu said...

Hello guys! Please read the comments i posted on this post for more details on the night market and hotel thanks!

QiuQiu said...

Nadnut, is it the real nadnut?! O.O

QiuQiu said...

I use auto camera mode. Lol. Later i use photoshop to desaturate it all.

QiuQiu said...

Anon, OMG. YOU TOOK A BUS THERE?!?! Why you don't take train from Penang!!! Train will take about 9 hours, already consider very bad.

Bus is omg horrible!!! Lolol.

CL said...

What airline is that?
I love plane food, too! LoL!

And super nice shopping!!!! (eye-ing the pink dress *-*)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. cheap ma. actually is not that horrible a ride leh. sleep all the way lor. thankfully im a easy and heavy sleeper. HEHE. 7pm onboard, listen mp3, stop by and eat. then 10 + sleep. reach about 9-10am. check in, then chiong ah. shopping time. lazy to like change to train. so take bus all the way lor.

Jasmine said...

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can you sell me the fringe bag :(

Jasmine said...

do you intend to sell the fringe bags???? idk if my previous comment have been sent or not so i'm asking again hehehehe

Anonymous said...

I went there last yr during Dec & you're making me regret not buying more clothes/bags etc! I'm gonna shop like you the next time i go there, haha. Love the stuff you bought!

Evie. said...

Thanks a lot QiuQiu. Ur post helps me alot!! Initially I was rather sad to know that there's nothing to shop in Hatyai, but after reading your post, it somehow makes me feel better. hopefully I'll be able to get something when I visit there end of this month! :D

Vitamin.See said...

I really like reading your blog and everything, but why shark fin soup???? ):

bigbird said...

hey QQ,

THANKS FOR THIS POST!! my friends and i will be visiting the place in 2 weeks time and this is a good preview of how the place looks like and what there is to shop :)

btw, besides shopping did you do any sightseeing?

QiuQiu said...

CL, Thai airway!!! ^.^

jasmir, sorry dont think so! Gonna give it to gfs and sister!

Anon, this time i controlled myself A LOT! The next time i head back i wont be merciful!!! Lolol.

Evie, have fun there!!!!

Big bird, we basically just walk and explore the streets and eat street side food! You can go watch tiger show if you like ^.^

V said...

Hey qiu qiu , i'm a malaysian and i went there often . the night market is available on friday ,saturday and sunday . did not know they open on wednesday tho , because i usually went on friday , sat and sun . may i know where did you get that fringe bag ?

no one said...

This post made me happy :D

Anonymous said...

confirm. plastic surgery. else why are you ignoring qtns on that?

xiaoqian said...

Hi qiu, any more places in bkk that sell cheap stuff? Can recommend more places as I'm going there soon too.

And I saw your comment saying that the bus terminal is not in bkk, it's in Hatyai?

And also how much did you change in total to thai baht?

Thanks in advance for the information :))

yh said...

Hi qiu! haha I went went to bbk less then a week ago! Haha i realised the food i ate on the airplane was the same as yours, same airline. Wah u got your stuff for such a cheap price!!! I bought my stuff for a average of 150-250~ was petty ex.... Glad that u enjoyed the trip! I bought so many clothes that i dot know where to put it now! See ya :)))))))) popii_19@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hi! Where did you buy the pink notebook from?? So pretty!!

QiuQiu said...

yh, i also!!! I bought so much stuff i haven't even unpack except the ones for my family! Now still got two big bags in the room O.O

Anon, pink notebook from Times bookstore at the airport. $8.50 =X Very expensive but that's the chioest!!!!

nadnut said...

Haha yes!! Of course!

QiuQiu said...

Nadnut you don't need to win anything lah!!! You can get anything for free please! @.@ Lol.

Unknown said...

hey you gotta stop buying brown shoes. :P HAHA!

QiuQiu said...

dilys ★ yeak - OMG YOU ARE RIGHT!!!! My WHOLE freaking shoe rack is all brown shoes =S

nadnut said...

HAHAHAHHAA. support mah! okay, i kiasu singaporean also :x

Anonymous said...

hello! omg im so tempted to go to bkk after seeing all ur fantastic buys! can i know which hotel did u stay at??

prancing bee said...

food and shopping! What more can you ask for!?!
Ahh please don't eat shark fin either. They just cut off their fin and throw them back into the water to die!
Those baby outfits are sooo cute! I wish my mom dressed me up super cute like that when I was little.

Anonymous said...

Woah, i thought that things that i bought online are cheapest already.. some of the things you got i saw it online, much more ex leh! Envy die you!! Haha

Anonymous said...

luv the clothes u bought...the skirts and short pants a cute!!!wish it had clothes like that where i live to buy.

fanvianC said...

Oh gosh, I love your sunglasses damn much!

fanvianC said...

Oh gosh, I love your sunglasses damn much! You make me wanna visit there!