13 May 2012


Slightly more than 1 carat heart-shaped diamond ring from Larry Jewellery and i really don't wanna know the price of this. I'd just say it's priceless cox if not i might cry. Yes heart pain but omg.

IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

I cannot believe my boyfriend would propose with a setting of people!!! Will share details soon!

I really thought he's gonna ask at home and buy me lotsa snacks and tidbits and then maybe ask my family members and good friends to come over. Or something simple, along that line.

But no!!! He went through like 2.5 - 3 months of planning with my friends =')))))

Thank you Michelle Thank you Wendy Thank you Yuzhen Thank you Huiwen

Thanks for helping out, Sophie Yutakis Zack

Thanks for being there Alaric, Mike, Gillian, Bryan!!!

Thanks to my family for their love and support all these years.

Thanks to the very helpful people at The White Rabbit!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you guys!

Thank you my fiance *cringe* lol, thank you Darling!!!!!!!

You know you're the best right!!! THE BEST!!! The best i can ever have!!!

Omg why am i so loved and so blessed.


05 12 2012

Definitely a day to remember.

Thank you for all your well-wishes on Twitter and Formspring and Instagram. I'd soak myself in them for a long time!!! PLEASE LEAVE MORE WELL-WISHES HERE. Hahaha.


XY said...

First to comment!!! Congrats qiuqiu on getting engaged. Hope you will lead a blissful life with your fiance! Cos you absolutely deserved it for being an awesome person

Anonymous said...

Congratulations qiu! :D finally man!

나니 said...

CONGRATULATIONS! The ring is gorgeous : D like you! Mwahaha!

Yuxing said...

Have a blissful marriage happily ever after!! <3

Anonymous said...


Angela said...

Even though I'm a new reader, I'm super happy for you QiuQiu! I hope your fiancee will bring you nothing but more laughs and great memories <3

Anonymous said...

Congrats Babe!! Nice Bling!!!

Wanqinggg said...

Congrats Qiu Qiu! ^~^ Very happy for you! ♡♡♡

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS QQ (: Finally the day has come!

Ariesger said...

So happy for u!!! Muacks

Calista said...

CONGRATS QIUQIU!! your happiness is rubbing off everyone! just want to let you know that i'm very happy for you to see you so happy! :D xoxo

Unknown said...

Wish you both all the happiness! Lets your love grow stronger, blossom and bring it fruits :) You are so lucky to meet each other and get together! Miracles are true :)
Hope you'll be able to move into landed house soon!

millyisme said...

The ring is gorgeous :D happy for u !

DawnHo said...

Congratulations! Continue being a chio and blessed princess! ^.^

Anonymous said...

Wish both of you happiness together forever with lots of love and babies and wealth and health and every good thing!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats qiu!!! (((((: So so so happy for you!!!! <3

-sk- said...

one by one all my fav bloggers getting engaged/married! thats really awesome! and that ring is totally gorgeous!! *jealous* Congrats qiu qiu~~~
you totally deserve this happiness la..like all the other spectacular bloggers that i follow :D

♥ sunny fen ♥ said...


joy said...

CONGRATS! really happy for you tho I am just your reader!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Can you post a pic of you & your husband-to-be? Hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Budget barbie gonna be married, change to budget tai tai :DDD

<3 Blessed marriage.

Anonymous said...

Congratz qiuqiu! May u have a blissful marriage! ^^ First time seeing a heart shape carat ring. Very gorgeous! :D

Anonymous said...

Qiu! Many congrats!!! soooo HAPPY for you!!! I share your joy! :) Really sweet of your hubby-to-be to give u such an unforgettable proposal :) Can u quickly blog about the details please??? Dying to know the DETAILS!!! Your heart-shaped ring is now my source of "visualisation"! Hope one day I will get a lovely proposal ring from my bf :)!

c-mainey said...

HEllo, Qiu Qiu ! CONGRATS TO NI! Really Happy for you ! Please stay happy forever !! :D

Anonymous said...

Finally the day have come. Grats and have a baby soon. hehe goodluck and best wishes.

Simple Person said...

the ring is so bling bling.. nice..

Anonymous said...

one by one, all the bloggers are getting married! really heartening and happy to see that! ^^ hope you will stay blissful, and happy with your husband!

Mei Zhen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OMG SO NOW YOU AND CHEESIE CAN GET MARRIED TOGETHER!!!!! Or at least you guys can totally plan together and each have your own gyuaru weddinggggg!!!!!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Please write more about how you feel and pictures of you and your fiance!!!!!

Mei めい said...

congratulations !!! <3
the ring is so beautiful !


Anonymous said...

Congrats! My favourite bloggers are getting married xD (Cheese, you)
I'm so glad :) I wish you all the best.

ASH said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations qiuqiu!! So so so happy for you :) Stay happy and cheerful cos your readers love seeing this side of you :D

Love you! :D

Phoebe said...

Congratulations Qiu Qiu!!
They day that you been waiting for,can't wait for your wedding to happen! :) Have a blissful marriage and stay happy & pretty as always!! :)

Anonymous said...

yes please do show us your how your wonderful hubby looks like! :-)

Fatin nadhirah said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Happy for you guys. Stay beautiful! ^^

Charisse said...

Grats qiuqiu!!! Your ring is absolutely gorgeous! Saw your twitter update and sooo many ppl tweeting abt it!!!!!!! Yes, you really deserve it! :D wish you a blissful marriage, and looking forward to you announcing about having a baby in future!!!! Haha!!!! Can't wait for your blog post on how your proposal actually went!!!

Anonymous said...

The ring is superrrr gorgeous! :D
You are such a blessed person, congrats! ((:

A Precious Mind said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! You really deserve all the best Qiu Qiu. <3

Montrose Desires said...

Congrats on your engagement Qiu! We're really happy for you! We knew it was coming somehow! Haha! All the best and start planning for an awesome wedding! :)

Mich. K said...

CONGRATULATIONS QIU QIU!!! Your ring is very beautiful and your post practically radiates the happiness and bliss you feel... ^_^
Wish you all the best and everlasting bliss & happiness!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Haha and I was thinking 'wa qiuqiu hint until so obvious, if boyfriend don't take the hint seriously -.-'. Hahaha, here's wishing the both of you a blissful+happy+yo qi bai tou dao lao'! :)))))

CH said...

Congrats QiuQiu!!
You're finally getting engaged after your dropping hints for so long time :D Harhar, can't wait to hear more about the proposal!

Mel said...

Congrats!! Cant wait for pictures of the proposal!!

yunting said...

congratulations !!!! I don't even know you in person but I'm so so so happy for you :')

Anonymous said...

Gong Xi! Your wish has come true!!

Ishah said...

Your ring is absolutely beautiful! Just like you :) Congratulations, I know you've been waiting for this haha.

Ishah said...

Your ring is absolutely beautiful! Just like you :) Congratulations, I know you've been waiting for this haha.

smileypill said...

Congratulations QiuQiu! Though I did wish you on twitter itself. Anyway, wish both of you happiness. :)

Shanice. said...


Shanice. said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats sweety :)) u deserve nth but de best :)

Natalie said...

What a gorgeous ring. Congrats Qiu Qiu!! :D Very soon you'll be blogging about your own baby girl/boy! :D

halbae-bacon said...

OMG! Congrats Qiu <3 you definitely deserve it.

sarah c. said...

so happy!!! congrats!! a beautiful ring for a beautiful girl :*) wow :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, QiuQiu!!! The ring is aaaaw-dorable :)))

LoveLikeHell said...

Congratulations again on getting engaged!!! The ring is really really pretty and SOOOO sparkly!!!

Peggy said...

Congratulations QiuQiu!Finally your dream come true!LOL. Hope you live a very blissful and sweet life with your fiance!^^

WANLIN said...

Congratulations Qiuqiu!!! Aww you're really fortunate. Have a blissful marriage and live happily ever after! =D Your ring is gorgeous~

Lynette said...

I've been waiting for someone to finally propose to you! SO HAPPY FOR YOU RIGHT NOW! <3 Congratulations, Qiu!

Steve (MrMax89) said...

CONGRATS!!!!! I am soooo happy for you!!!!

bibi said...

congratulations! i am a hong kong reader and am really happy for you!

Mikoyukira said...

Congrats QiuQiu! So happy for you! Post the details as soon as possible okay? I really wanna know the details and the ring is so cute!

Fionism said...

Conrgatulations a zillion times qiu qiu! Wish you two happily ever after! Xxx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! :)

かほう said...

Congrats Qiu Qiu!!! Really happy for you! Been reading your blog for only a little over a year, and could tell you and bf def are great together and love each other lots! Even as a reader, I've really been expecting for your bf to propose to you any minute now, and it finally happened! CONGRATULATIONS!!! <3

Jolanda said...

wow i just read this entry. sorry for the late wishing! BUT GONG XI NI!! I am so happy for you. You really deserve it! Have a happy & blessed wedding. x) Love you qiu!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! Im so happy for you!!! <3 and Im sure yr bf will be happy and blessed to have u as well because u are just so positive with life! :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats QiuQiu!! :D

Ayny Sidharta said...

CONGRATSSS Qiu! really happy for you, wish both of you happiness..
ehemm.. the ring is superrrr gorgeous!! Y(^_^)Y

Shine's said...

Congratulations qiuqiu, I feel so happy for you! ♥, BudgetBarbie fan

Chrystal Lim said...

Wahh triple happiness lol .~~ Chessie and fourfeetnine both also getting married le now qiu qiu also (⌒▽⌒)

Anonymous said...

gong xi ni qq:)) ni yi ting yao xin fu wor~~ :p

Anonymous said...

So happy for you qiu! You will be a pretty bride! I know you are happy to hear people praise you pretty.. hahahahahaha. Your fiance is so lucky!!!!!!

Risse said...

Aw, congratulations QiuQiu!!! You deserve it. I hope the wedding and everything else goes wonderful

Anonymous said...

congrats :) finally~ so happy for you !

♥ Diana said...

Gong hei lei Qiu Qiu!!! The ring is gorgeouuuuus. Continue being a princess Qiu Qiu and don't ever stop making videos yeah! We, budget barbie fans love them. :) mwah! xx

Anonymous said...

congrats qiuqiu, so happy for you!
share your happiness with us soon!!

Anonymous said...

YAYYYYYY Finally we can see your FIANCE's face already right? :D

Asuka said...

awww so nice everyone getting married now =D

Anonymous said...

Congrats qiuqiu!! HEHEH. The ring is gorgeous!

hanneebuff said...

omg! congrats. seems like a lot of bloggers are getting married starting with Audrey and then Cheesie getting engaged last week and then you. wowowow! detailed account please? :D

Anonymous said...

congrats qiuqiu! really happy for you ! have been reading your blog for almost a year now you've definitely grown as a person and your writing style is really improving too!

congrats once again and heres wishing you a blissful marriage! (: maybe its time to reveal the identity of 'budget ken' ((:

Fel said...

Congratulations qiuqiu!! So happy for you. After complaining so many times that your bf has yet to propose after 5 years, he finally did! Hahaha. I can only imagine your happiness. All the best in your new beginning <3

My 92 Style - Personal Lifestyle Blog said...

Congrats Qiu Qiu!(~\^0^/~)

FanNeeL said...

Congrats QiuQiu!!! =D

Raine Lee said...

Congrats, Qiuqiu!! The ring is beautiful!! <333 So happy & exciting!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!(: thanks for rubbing off happiness on us all the time!! Wishing that you'll stay tian tian mi mi with him forever!(:

Anonymous said...

Qiu Qiu, gong xi ni! finally! So happy for you. Quickly blog about that day..

Fel T. said...

congrats qiuqiu!:)) happy for you^^!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Quiting!!
I am sososo HAPPY for you!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Congrats QiuQiu! :D really happy for you becox you're just such a nice girl! rmb to blog about your wedding yeah! AND omg show your bf NOO your fiance's picture!! :)

simple said...


Anonymous said...

congrats barbie!!

Anonymous said...

Congrat ^~^ have a wonderful life after marriage !

Anonymous said...

OHMYGAWD FINALLY! CONGRATULATIONS! Hope you'll have a lovely baby! hehehe

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Love to know more about the romantic details. The ring is amazingly gorgeous!! Stay blissful!! :)

KSY said...

Congrats girl. Have a blissful one. :)

Anonymous said...


Valerie said...

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU QIUQIU!! SO happy for you!!! Enjoy your new status! :P

Anonymous said...

Blessed Marriage! (:
Congrats Qiuqiu!!!! <3

Eri said...

Omg congratulations QiuQiu!!

I'm so happy for you!!!!

Ohmyalessia said...

So happy for you. & Yes you really deserve all this love, because you have been such a nice person for so long :) Stay pretty & have a blissful marriage ^^

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I didn't even know you had a bf >.<! But all good to you anyways. Glad to hear, must blog and do a guide to life on it.

Anonymous said...

so.. will you be censoring his face from your wedding pictures?

Regina said...

Congratulations! I wish you the best luck! ^^

Love the ring btw!!!

Anonymous said...

XX, aud, cheesie and now you!! It is the year of engagements! So happy for you QiuQiu!! You deserve the best!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you'll look lovely with a wedding dress on you! Must post pics about it, okay? :) Bless you!

Anonymous said...

congrats qiuqiu!!!! :):)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The ring is damn gorgeous lah.

Anna.Bella said...


Rachel Tan said...

God bless! May you have a blissful wedding and marriage. :D your blog makes me happy!

Mickey Holtzhausen said...

That is a beautiful ring Qui Qui. And from your posts I can tell that you guys really do love each other. Good luck with the wedding planning and I wish you guys all the happiness in the world <3 <3 <3

yeuh said...

qiu qiu, congratulations, can feel you happiness and your happiness glow all the way here hee... i'm sure you are gonna be the most beautiful bride!!! =DD CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Drea said...


I've already wished you on instagram and fb but ok i should wish here too and maybe on twitter! One can never get too much well wishes right?? :D

Hope to see you post pics of your wedding soon! Can we finally see your husband? :P

Congrats Qiuqiu!! Always be happy!!!!!! XOXO

izumi said...

恭喜恭喜 QiuQiu~~
Lovely ring =D

Kristel said...

I wish you the best! Congratzzz :)

Sunshineger said...

Congrats Qiuqiuger! So happy for u. You deserved it! :)
Your ring is sooo beautiful just like u!
Warmest wishes,

Sheryl(: said...

Congrats QiuQiu on being proposed and engaged! :DDD the ring is lovely <3 i wish you happiness forever with your fiance/husband!~

Liwei Lee said...

gong xi gong xi..happily ever after!!!

Liwei Lee said...

gong xi gong xi..happily ever after!!!

Anonymous said...

congrats ! <3

Shasha said...

the ring is beautifull~~

Anonymous said...

Congratulations:) Your ring is just AWESOMEEEE:P

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I wish you and your fiance all the best!

Janice Fan said...

Congrats qiuqiu! No idea what happened to my previous comment... Bless you both still!!