14 August 2013

Becox i am me.

Take a look at this. Click on it to read it full size. Take a look. Feel free to see how i get scolded until cao tao and then finally see how i get threatened by people who wanna report me =OOO

Report me to who, i don't know. But i am pretty sure they think they can get me into serious trouble and that i should be scared shitless.. That, or that i will be so scared i shit my pants.

Click on picture to read it at full size.

You know what makes me me?

I am lazy, i am vain, i love to stay up late (sometimes it's not a choice, cox i have insomnia), i love to wake up late, i love to play with (cute) babies, i love to snack, i love to slack, i love to shop. I love to do the things i love, whenever i love. I love to blog, about the things i do, see, eat and feel..

And you know who have the luxury to do things they want and love, whenever they want?


Do you know who is my boss?

ME. 私に. Aku. Saya. Moi. 나를. Mnie. 我.

And do you know why i am my own boss?

Not becox i am capable. Not becox i am smart. Not becox i am talented.

But simply becox i am me.

I am lazy, i am vain, i love to stay up late (sometimes it's not a choice, cox i have insomnia), i love to wake up late, i love to play with (cute) babies, i love to snack, i love to slack, i love to shop. I love to do the things i love, whenever i love. I love to blog, about the things i do, see, eat and feel..

And now i feel pretty damn pissed when someone else think they can email me shit like that and wanna claim credit for the things i achieved and maintained with effort and discredit me altogether.

Okay so what happened was.. Mich has been helping me doing the liaising for my blogshop adverts for the longest time cox i really can't manage and i only reply work emails once every 1-2 weeks =X

But she's working overseas now and she only reply whenever she can which is at least twice a week. So after 5 days of not getting a reply SL / Nicole from ABC blogshop decided that it's too long and that they might wanna get a refund. WHICH IS, fully understandable.

If you can't wait, you can always get your money back. But they also didn't forget to insinuate that i "appear to be a very hardworking and serious blogger" hardworking okay, serious? Not really.

But now you get me all serious cox i am seriously pissed.

Not pissed with the email, it was a little insulting, but it's fine. She's probably just sick of the 5 days wait and she wants her money back, which like i said, it's perfectly fine.

So i replied (really meant for Mich only) to ask Mich to arrange for a refund. And as i explained in the email, it's the first time i am being looped into the email conversation. And cox post office only resume work on the 12th, i don't think they can send the parcel on the 12th and have it reached me on time for their ad on the 15th. Cox i only pick up advert items once a week at my parents place over the weekend.

So then woman off her pill got sooooooo fucking pissed she cursed and threatened me in a loooongass email. These are my favourite parts.


Thanks for the reminder SL / Nicole! =D I always remember to thank my readers/ followers for a lot of things! And sometimes i do giveaway and i even ask my hair salon sponsor to pick 6 readers / followers of mine for free hair makeover =D I think i have plenty more readers who like me than those who doesn't haha thank God! Phew~

BUT WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO THANK PEOPLE LIKE YOU FOR? People like you did nothing but to make my blood pressure rise for a good 30 minutes while i rant and get angry over.

Don't i dare forget blablabla.. DONT YOU DARE FORGET HOW HORRID YOUR own ATTITUDE IS! How can a business like yourself use your business email and insult a blogger like this and think you have a much better attitude than me.

I am a person. I own a blog. A person can have attitude.

You are a fucking business, suck it up. This is why i don't deal with advertorial and any email replying pertaining to my side businesses. Cox i can't, i am me and i can't take bullshit.

That's why i partner with people who have better temperament, more patience, kinder.

And if i may say so myself, i am on most day generous about ads and payment. If advertisers have been nice and patient, i either give extra for free as goodwill or i do longer ad for them.

And that's why i have returning advertisers be it blogshops that Mich help me handle, or advertisers that Nuffnang pitch me to.

I am a person who writes a blog and got lucky with good and kind people around me helping me out.

And my blog is an accidental business. But i am not talking business. I haven't been, for a long time. So i don't see why ABC blogshop owners SL / Nicole so damn smart and good in PR, can email me with their business email, to my personal email and give me a good ran down of what they think about me and what they foresee in my future. Do you see any other business doing that? Haha.

Sending out angry emails using their business email and scolding people. Lolol. The hilarity.

You better worry for your own future lah, Miss SL / Nicole hahaha =DDD Don't know how many customers you all have secretly cursed already hahaha.

Very sorry to disappoint them but i am doing better than ever and i will continue to do very well.. It's a fact, it's just the way things are and the way things are gonna be becox.. I am me.

And i can't change this. I do the things i love and believe in.. And i stand stronger each time someone try to put me down. What you gonna do? Curse me some more? Go ahead, i thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. Cox that energy is gonna keep me going =)

Oh oh, i also like her sign off,


Okay let's see.. Are you my manager Jayne? Are you a Nuffie? Are you my dad? Are you my sister? Are you my bff? Are you one of my close friends? Is your name Joshua?

Do you at least love me as a reader?

No no no no no and no? WELL THEN FUCK YOU YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO ASK ME TO REALISE ANYTHING cox i know damn well where everything came from.

It came from me being me, and from people who love me for me.

And many many nights of staying up doing what i love - Blogging.

And in case anyone think i am a money-grubbing bitch who is damn calculative and just wanna earn everyone's money, number one, i am not earning from my readers / followers.

Number two, i am offering 50% off my sidebar banner and $50 off blog header banners! =D

This offer applies to EVERY blogshop / small startup businesses except ABC blogshop hahahah.

You can email bongqiuqiu@gmail.com if you are keen! And.. If you can wait! Really not cox my adslots damn hot or what, it's just limitations cox Mich is overseas and doesn't always have wifi. But she replies emails twice a week so it's can't be THAT bad.

BTW, Mich has since then emailed ABC blogshop to apologise and to explain why she was late in replying and to follow up to make sure they received the refund. And i told SL / Nicole that i think they should apologise to me for the harsh email filled with insults which was really uncalled for.

No reply from them.

I made this. And i believe in it 100%. If someone say a sincere sorry to me, i will let everything rest. Becox that's the magic of "Please", "Thank you" and "Sorry".. If there's no Love.

But if you pass the time to use the free magic, you become history.


Kiken said...

Go QQ! I'm also damn tired of people lecturing me on things in which they have no knowledge. I'm glad you addressed that you saw their point of view (BEFORE they started attacking your character for no reason). They were being so unprofessional, and I can't stand businesses like that.

Anonymous said...

I agree with some things you say and disagree with some things. I don't know if I like this post or not..

BUT I LIKE YOU! I like your blog and most of your posts and you're one of the most hardworking bloggers ever(my opinion)!

Just continue to be positive and sweet! I will always read your blog and support you!

~Loyal Fan~

Anonymous said...

u go gerl! wooohoo!

Anonymous said...

wa... so much for professionalism on their part....

Unknown said...

Hi qiu! :)

I have been ur ardent reader for quite some time now and I can somehow relate to this blog post because I haven't receive any replies from Michelle too. I have just sent you and QWeekly an email after a 2-week wait, because I've not receive any reply.

No ill-intentions/hard feelings here as I understand everyone has their other commitments etc. :)

And I won't be as mean as the others too la haha :D

But, seriously no offence and I'm not sure if there are more people affected, but you mentioned Michelle replies emails twice a week... but I waited for 2 weeks...lol. Hmm, maybe to improve things, you would like to gently remind Michelle again in replying emails a more efficient and faster way? :)

Am looking forward to receiving your reply soon.

Thanks qiu! :D

Jean said...

Hi qiu! :)

I have been ur ardent reader for quite some time now and I can somehow relate to this blog post because I haven't receive any replies from Michelle too. I have just sent you and QWeekly an email after a 2-week wait, because I've not receive any reply.

No ill-intentions/hard feelings here as I understand everyone has their other commitments etc. :)

And I won't be as mean as the others too la haha :D

But, seriously no offence and I'm not sure if there are more people affected, but you mentioned Michelle replies emails twice a week... but I waited for 2 weeks...lol. Hmm, maybe to improve things, you would like to gently remind Michelle again in replying emails a more efficient and faster way? :)

Am looking forward to receiving your reply soon.

Thanks qiu! :D

Alice Lee-Yang said...

It's good to rant and let it out. Hope you feel better by now. :)

denise said...

This is what I call 赶着去投胎. LOL.

QiuQiu said...

All these comments here (except my own) do not reflect my own opinion on the blogshop and i neither confirm or deny the suggestions for the names of the blogshop people have written.

QiuQiu said...

Jean ah, sorry i'd remind Mich to check!

Anonymous said...

nice quote at the end of the post ^^

Anonymous said...

woah. That is so rude lah,even if no replies were given,they should at least put it across tactfully and professionally.

there are many blogshoppers reading your blog, and many atimes we faced slow responses but i don't think people would flare up like this.

and it's kinda stupid that they made a such a fuss when you are influential. they truly deserve this 'attention' and exposure

Anonymous said...

Michelle seems like a reallllly great friend. ^^

Cat said...

In Australia an email like that from a business would get them a punch in the face literally.

They didn't get a response in the time they wanted after paying money? fine. Be professional and contact QQ in a PROFESSIONAL manner.

Can't believe people are supporting the blog shop, although the comments are all anonymous and I'm sorry but anonymous comments mean NOTHING!

Because posting anonymously is cowardly! And makes it look like you work for the blog shop! PATHETIC! If you believe 100% in what you are saying, then why hide?

I buy everything and do everything online and a 7 day turn around is normal. Unless you assume the people running the business have no life and sit around online 24/7.

The people running the blog shop have no life obviously (I'm guessing this business is their life), but that doesn't mean that Mich or QQ don't have other commitments. This is a side business for QQ.

In the future I suggest Mich set up an automatic *Away from the office* message in her email account whenever she is away, telling people there maybe a delay and I suggest the blog shop rethink their professionalism.

Emails like that make them look amateur. Sure people could say the same about QQ, but she is a blogger who has only just started with the business side of her blog and is still LEARNING.

You would think since the blog shop is already an established business they would know better.

QQ can be some what excused for not knowing better but these people?

Be glad that she actually lets blog shops advertise on her blog. I could think of one hundred different things she could be using the space for instead of some rude amateur blog shop.

Cat said...

On another note...

QQ why do you even allow anonymous people to post? As hilarious as they can be.

You are being too nice!

I find it hard to believe they wouldn't have access to Google or use any of the following livejournal, wordpress etc etc and can't log in with id's from those.

Anonymous said...

6 days is not a long time to wait at all before sending such a nasty message.

On your end as well, having taken their money already, it would have been professional for someone (either you or michelle) to follow up.

Nonetheless, that email was UNCALLED for and really shows how immature the blogshop owners are.

Anonymous said...

their clothes also not nice anyway..no one will buy. no use promoting for them.. business wont up..

gigi said...

You were paid for a service.

You didn't follow through.

You were called out. End of story.

Deal with it.

Ennie said...

Their caps lock broken is it! :'D

Windy said...

Really wanna know which blogshop is that so that I can avoid buying from them in the future. Will ask all my frens to boycott them..Any hint?

Anonymous said...

I love your attitude towards such childish people who thinks that owning a blogshop can earn quick bucks.... People like them, don't even know the hard work behind a successful blogshop! Sad to say, I don't see them going on for the next 3-4 months to come, which such bad attitude!

Oh please disclose the blogshop name! If not, who knows how many people would be under the knife of this blogshop! IF they can choose not to reply your email, after realising, somehow they are in hot soup, or their threat email has been backfired OPENLY, THEY WILL ALWAYS REMAIN BEHIND THE NET WORLD, and nobody will know who are they?? What if they just close shop and deny all normal postages when money has been paid for??

Sorry ah, I was a victim of a horrible blogshop (I never got my item after 1 month or so, btw), after reading recommendations on this particular blogshop, from a blogger who was promoting this new shop. However, can't blame the blogger, cause she was just doing her job to BLOG about that shop. How would she know whether the blogshop will be tryustworthy or not?

So, please please disclose the name of this blogshop... Really appreciate! :D :D

pew said...

This is too funny! haha high five their faces

A said...

Hi, anyone knows the name of the blogshop?

Anonymous said...

I read this blog entry with much interest!

I've personally worked with QQ for an advert for my online store before and quite frankly speaking, she was quite a sweetheart really :)

Unless a certain blogger.. I paid her, and even couriered sponsored items to her and she promptly ignored me for 2 WHOLE MONTHS until I threaten to file a police report. She even asked me to give her a week to refund me back my money zzz

Soo.... 6 days wait is really nothing, especially if it's known that QQ isn't the one replying emails so that email was really uncalled for.

Cynthia said...

Omg I love you and your honest lazy vain hardworking ways! Sorry you got that chain of emails. :(
Next! :) <3

Anonymous said...

I used to run a blogshop and had hired many bloggers including qiuting before. And as a responsible business and proper 'business'. We give 2 weeks or more for bloggers to prepare the ads and also that we can vat the content of the adverts. For such a short lead time given by the said blog shop is impossible. If you expect that the blogger do a shobby job of just taking photos of your products and writing a shitty advert, then probably that is appropriate.

Qiuting is one of the best bloggers to work with. She is not "stingy" with requests and also she writes from her own perspective unlike most blogger who basically just paraphrase the company's "about us" page.

Jessi said...

That blogshop is so freaking hilarious. They think it is them who make QiuQiu so popular when they tried to PAY QiuQiu in hope to get more costumers for their shop. Now who is paying who for more attention huh?

Maybe they are so freaking desperate for more costumers that they can't freaking wait and just broke down...WITH CAPS HAHHAHAHA