27 March 2011

QWeekly - Really Random stuff =D

I posted a lousy picture of this flora top before but i LOVE the top so much i gotta show you again!!!

YAY ^.^V Lol. Act cute.

Remember this mini-hearts skirt i wore to Hong Kong?!

Yes! Also from TheBlogShop ^.^
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Super Moon. OOooooOOOoooo.. It's kinda lame thou, it's still the moon. Lol. But bf and i were so bored we used the 78x zoom camcorder and placed it on a tripod and zoomed in on the moon. 2 minutes later i lost interest and he say there's a man waving at him from the moon. LOL. Yeah right.
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DENG DENG DENG DENG! Highlight of the week! I played mahjong, FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! Lol. I don't know how i win each time, but i won $7.50 out of the four hours.

After mahjong, it's durian at Geylang =DDDD I SUPER LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!

I have another picture with the signboard of the durian stall, WHICH, actually sells very decent durian at a good price and the fella still gave us free durian which would cost $22/kg =OOO

So nice right! But i am not gonna put up the signboard cox Michelle say only after the dude buy insurance from her, then i can help him put up. Lolol.

The dude is the brother of the boss of the durian store. He ask each of us what we do, and when i answer, saying that i write stuff online, he ask "Oh, blogger ah! Always scold people one right?!"

Hmmm.. Good job all bloggers! We have come thus far! Lolol.

And Mich became 榴連妹.

And Zhen don't wanna appear on my blog =( And Camellia is sitting opposite us and she doesn't wanna appear on my blog too. Soon.. I will have no friends left to put on my blog =((

Lonely~ I'm Miss Lonely~ I have nobody~ For my own~ OOOOOooo~ So lonely~ OKAY SHUT UP.

Michelle boleh~~~~ Hahah! So proud to have a girlfriend so li hai!

One more of the nu qiang ren. Hahaha! Never seen people open durian so happy one hor!

After durian i use gelly pen to colour the tips of her nails. I took this picture and it should be suffice for my blog already, right?

Famewhore mich: Eh i want to take one more, the standard manicure picture
Me looking at picture thinks secretly: Okay, as you wish, orbigood your fingers look fat
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Remember i strike 4D a few weeks back? $1000. I got myself this as a gift for that. It cost $27 =(( I seen it at fairs before for $18 but i never buy becox it's just not my style to spend so much on myself.

But i LOVE liquer chocolates!!! And look at all the different spirits! So cute!!!

*FAINT and wake up and FAINT AGAIN!*

*keep waking up and fainting*
Cannot *faint* blog *faint* any *faint* more.


Anonymous said...

Ohh haha chocolate liquers! I remember once getting some as xmas gift. They were brandy ones, but alcohol content was so high you could seriously get drunk after a couple o.o

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures here looks like a japanese kawaii!

Michelle Jeanette Thian said...

its spelt as Camelia, and she say haven pay you 10 bucks for the durian DONT SCOLD HER ON YOUR BLOG lol

Sia said...

Haha. Very cute top. :)

Joyce said...

Hey QiuQiu! :) The pink choker on your head in the first photo is photoshop on one right? Haha do you know where to get that kind of choker in singapore? :)

Anonymous said...

Hey were you an air-stewardess before?

Anonymous said...

Where do u edit your photo?

Anonymous said...

Where do u edit your photo?

Venassa said...

Hi where did u buy ur gellypens?!?! I cant seem to find them anymore =(