20 August 2010

Second ep of Budget Barbie is out! ^.^

Yong Ming went with me shopping at City Plaza to shop for Budget Barbie and IN CASE some of you guys don't already know, if you visit City Plaza, you must also queue for Arnold's Fried Chicken! JUICY TO THE MAXIMUM!!! Even the breast is juicy and tender!

While queuing..

Food! I always order extra deep-fried buns becox they are so yummy with the coleslaw or just chili sauce. Haha!

Okay back to Budget Barbie! Show you my best buy first!

A pair of $10 boots!!!

I wore it for Avebelle photoshoot!
The top is not launched yet but you can email them at avebelle@gmail.com to enquire.

 And the item picked for giveaway is the super chio Lulu inspired outfit!
I look so shocked and all becox i was having A LOT of mixed feeling after picking up "FUNKY CLOTHES"!!!

First, i was confused which is FUNKY CLOTHES referring to.
Then i realise it's Lulu's outfit and was a bit sad why Jessibaby named it as FUNKY CLOTHES. It should be AVANT GARDE. LOL!!!
Then i was a little guilty to be giving away this becox i don't know if anybody would know how to appreciate it.
Then i was sad again becox i ACTUALLY do like this outfit, AS A SET!!!

I know, you think it looks like buang and shit.

This picture is just to show you how HAPPY i was to have stick to my choice of buying this despite when deciding to buy or not, Yong Ming was like..

"不要想不開, listen to me, put it back. Calmly.. Slowly.. Put it back.. C'mon.. Put it back, okay? JUST PUT THE FUCKING THING BACK!!! EVEN THE REAL PRC WON'T TOUCH IT!!! PUT THE FUCKING THING BACK NOW!" 

Lol!!! WHY!!!

By the way, this is Lulu from The Noose.
The real lovely lulu 2

The real lovely lulu 1
Click on picture to watch her weideo. LOL.

So this is how it looks like if worn by the right people..


What, it looks good on me what!

Leave your comments on Clicknetwork to win this set of outfit! It's not just clothing, it is a outfit that shouts, ME! LOL!!!! Fuck you all who say it's horrendous, fuck you Yong Ming! LOL!!!



grace was here said...

Hey QQ, where did you get your pink ribbon top from? (in the latest budget barbie episode) And for how much? Thanks in advance (:

Christine said...

I love these kinds of posts because bargain shopping is the greatest!! The last outfit looks really retro and cool on you but idk if others can pull it off haha

beyondone'sthought said...

yeahh it does look nice on u! but will u reallyy wear it on e street anw?? :O

ah almost forgotteN.. city plaza! v near my home but seldom be there coz always cant find any good deals though they have lots of fashion whole seller there..